Cindy Tseng
music educator, pianist
Mus 322, 323, 324 (Piano II, III, IV) Student Testimonials
"I find it very useful to be able to play the instructional videos as many times as I need. The overhead camera is very effective in showing the fingering. It is clear that a great deal of work went into preparing the online material. The quality is excellent." - student of piano online course
"I am grateful that concert attendance was required. I now have a much deeper appreciation for the skill and preparation that goes into a performance and so enjoy concerts all the more. I started from ground zero and feel that I learned an awful lot in a relatively short time. I look forward to coming home each day and playing on the piano...thanks to the experience I had in your class." - Richard
"I cannot express properly in writing the way I feel when I can look at sheet music and, more or less, sight read it at reduced tempo the first time I see it. Taking this piano series changed my life forever, in a good way." - Christopher
"Great balance of knowledge, patience, and positive reinforcement. Makes for a great musical coach!" - anonymous
"Before coming to this class I did little-no sight reading (in my 10+ years of taking piano). I'm really thankful for the opportunity and challenge of sight reading in this class. I look forward to continuing my piano education."- Gabriella G.
"This was a wonderful class covering a variety of skills: solo performances, sight reading, technique, transposition, and accompaniment. Dr. Tseng is very musical, enthusiastic, and patient."-anonymous
"Piano 4 was an excellent class. Dr. Tseng is a talented musician who loves her craft and loves teaching. She makes every effort to help her students master class material. Students can look forward to learning quite a bit in Piano 4."-Cynthia S.
"Dr. Tseng's classes are for all levels and abilities. She compassionately teaches beginners just starting through concert-level advanced students!" - anonymous
"From no prior experience to three semesters, I have learned more than I ever would have from any other professor." - anonymous
"Professor Tseng is the very best. Organized, sincere, and patient. She works hard with you to help you reach your potential as a piano student." - Hudson T.
"Professor Tseng is always supportive and always there to help you understand. Prof. Tseng will encourage you through moments of doubt and give you strength to persevere." - anonymous
"She is a fantastic teacher! Very patient, encouraging, and organized. Makes you want to succeed." - anonymous
"Professor Tseng is an excellent piano teacher! I have learned and improved so much, thanks to her incredible teaching. I would recommend her piano class to anyone and everyone!" - Jonathan T.
"Prof. Tseng is a wonderful professor who will do her absolute best to ensure that you learn how to play the piano." -Robin C.
"I really enjoyed your class the past two semesters and felt like I learned more than I did in any other piano course." - anonymous
"I looked forward to each class and learned so much. Challenging and rewarding!" - anonymous
Posted on this website with prior consent of the students.